L. M. Lowry, Founder
Lowry Research Corporation was founded in 1938 to provide analysts and investment professionals with an unbiased, factual analysis of the stock market. In 2021, CFRA acquired Lowry Research. Our work is based on daily Price Change/Volume statistics of all stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ Stock Market. These tabulations are compiled each day that the Markets are open and provide the statistical foundation for our Supply vs. Demand analysis of market trends.
In 1938, L. M. Lowry originated the idea of compiling Upside and Downside Volume statistics. As a result of our pioneering work, these statistics are now an integral part of stock market analysis for millions of investors worldwide.
Since 1938 our exclusive Buying Power and Selling Pressure Indices represents our time tested method for showing the forces of Supply and Demand at work, and provides a tangible means to continuously evaluate the underlying condition of the market.
Lowry is one of the first Investment Advisories to conduct a complete Technical Analysis of the NASDAQ Market, including Daily Measurements of Supply and Demand, Upside and Downside Volume, Points Gained and Points Lost, Breadth, and Momentum.
Lowry is the originator of the NYSE Operating-Companies-Only Statistics. These proprietary indicators, including the Advance-Decline Line, Points Gained and Lost, and Upside and Downside Volume, use the raw statistics for all NYSE listed issues, and exclude the trading activity of all preferred stocks, ADRs, closed-end bond funds, etc., thus providing a more accurate picture of the real domestic common stock market.
Lowry is the originator of the highly respected Power Ratings, for analyzing Major Sectors, Industry Groups and Individual Stocks. This proprietary indicator uses a combination of Trend, Percentage Change and Pulsation, to measure relative performance. Our Power Ratings make it easier to analyze complex price patterns and to help identify signs of emerging or deteriorating strength, often well before significant price changes occur.